2 Friends, Rowing the Atlantic Ocean
3,000 Miles, Over 1,000,000 Strokes
1 World Record

But Why?
Our motivation to complete this massive challenge is simple: to raise as much money as possible for our 3 chosen charities whilst also promoting much needed awareness for the issues surrounding global food waste.
Oh, and we're also aiming to break the women's pairs World Record in the process!
Why food waste?
It’s impossible to have a conversation about ocean rowing without mentioning food! During our time at sea, we’ll be consuming up to 500 dehydrated meals, so it’s a hot topic of conversation for all ocean rowers.
Food waste is a massive global issue, and with food playing such an intrinsic part in this challenge, we believe this is the perfect opportunity to raise awareness of the issues surrounding global food waste and hunger.
So, as part of our challenge, our mission is to personally create as much of the food for our journey from surplus/waste food and through doing so, open up the conversation around food waste and the every-day initiatives to help reduce it.
We'd love you to be a part of the Whale of a Time journey. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to track our progress and help us spread the message about everyday initiatives to reduce food waste and poverty.
More people have gone to space or climbed Everest
Only Seven Female pairs have made it across to date. The record being 50 days & 7 hours
Equivalent to 115 marathons back to back
Rowing 2 hours on, 2 hours off, day and night
" The Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge is widely recognized as the world's toughest rowing race."

"Never stop doing things for the first time" - Jean Webber